We can’t slow down in Texas. Not right now.

Ground Game Texas


As a grassroots organization, one of our core values at Ground Game Texas is to always be transparent with you and your fellow supporters.

That’s why, ahead of our mid-October fundraising goal, I want to share with you that we’ve seen our online fundraising slow down over the last few weeks.

These things happen. But at the same time, Ground Game Texas relies on grassroots supporters giving $5, $10, and $25 at a time in order to fully fund the transformative work we’re doing in Texas — putting popular policies onto local ballots and using them to reach and mobilize hundreds of thousands of voters, even during a so-called election “off-year”.

Looking at the numbers, we can reverse this trend and get back on track if we raise $15,000 by tomorrow at midnight.  Friend, will you chip in anything you can right now to help us reach this critical mid-month goal?

Support Ground Game Texas

We can’t afford to scale back our work — because right now, Governor Greg Abbott and Republican legislators are doing everything in their power to subvert democracy in Texas. 

First, they passed one of the most extreme voter restriction bills in the United States — and now they’re fighting to approve a congressional map that doesn’t add a single majority-Black or majority-Latino district, even though Texas gained nearly 2 million Latino residents and more than 500,000 Black residents in the last census.

We can’t change the broken status quo in Texas and remove extremists from office with the same old political tactics. That’s why Ground Game Texas is fighting to expand our unique issue-based organizing model across the state — and to do that, we need grassroots resources. 

Mike and I are setting a goal of raising $15,000 in online donations by tomorrow’s mid-month deadline.  Will you help us out, friend? Please consider chipping any amount you can to Ground Game Texas right now.

City by city, town by town, we’re using popular issues to mobilize voters of every age and background. If you can pitch in today to support that work, thank you — it means a lot to us.


Julie Oliver