If you or I didn’t comply with a congressional subpoena, friend, the consequences would be dire. For Trump and his stooges however, consequences continue to be a very squishy concept. Until today that is, when the January 6th Commission finally announced they've begun contempt proceedings against Steve Bannon for refusing to comply with their investigation. 

Despite a looming contempt of Congress charge and up to 12 months of prison time, Steve Bannon has been laying the groundwork for the increasingly real Trump 2024 campaign. But this time around he’s not content to promote fake news and fold right-wing ideas into the mainstream. He’s gathering an army of extremist minions to infiltrate our political institutions and completely implode our government from within. And he’s not even trying to hide it.


We know how close Bannon came to destroying our democracy in the early days of the Trump administration before leaders from both parties forced him out in the wake of the Charlottesville White Supremacist Rally. But this time around the stakes are even higher. A 2024 Trump administration doesn’t just represent a second chance for Bannon to impose his hatred fueled brand of nationalism on our country, it’s the best chance he has to avoid going to prison.

Not only is Bannon facing potential confinement as a consequence of refusing to comply with the January 6th Commission, he’s also facing up to 20 years for fraud and money laundering in connection with his sham “We Build The Wall” GoFundMe fundraising campaign. Trump 2024 is exactly the “get out of jail free card” a 67-year-old Bannon needs to avoid spending his retirement behind bars, and he knows it.

We have three years to hold Bannon accountable, but only if Democrats manage to defend the House and Senate in 2022. If Kevin McCarthy and the rest of The 147 manage to take back the House, shut down the January 6th Committee, and go to war against Biden’s DOJ all bets are off.

The architect of Trump’s 2016 victory cannot be allowed a second-chance at realizing his hate-fueled nationalist vision for America. Donate to our Congressional Victory Fund now so that Steve Bannon and the rest of Trump’s cronies can’t run out the clock on justice.

- Operation 147



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