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"The United States doesn't have the capacity to process and thoroughly vet tens of thousands of Afghan refugees."

Paul Nachman, founding member of Montanans for Immigration Law Enforcement, wrote an op-ed in Townhall about how the United States is not equipped to handle an influx of tens of thousands of Afghan refugees and the grave need to address pervasive fraud issues:

"The P-2 Program employed to resettle Iraqi refugees was discontinued earlier this year due to widespread fraud. In fact, U.S. authorities are investigating roughly 4,000 Iraqis for filing fraudulent applications for resettlement in the United States and re-evaluating approximately 100,000 other cases.

The flawed refugee-screening mechanisms were also on display in 2009, when several dozen terrorists were suspected of being fraudulently admitted into the United States from Iraq. Two known al-Qaeda terrorists were confirmed to be let into the United States and were allowed to resettle in Bowling Green, KY.

...Leaders who claim we can reliably vet all Afghan refugees, when the previous system used in Iraq resulted in an abundance of fraudulent applications and threats to our national security, aren't being honest with the American people."

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