Leaf collection begins Monday?
Curbside leaf collection begins Monday, Oct. 18, in Zones A and B, and Monday, Oct. 25, in Zone C. Place your leaves piled in the parkway by 7 a.m. the Monday of your collection week.?Leaves not places in the parkway by 7 a.m. Monday will be picked up on the following scheduled collection week for your zone.
Leaf collection is a big task each year! Leaves blocked by parked vehicles or near other obstructions must be skipped and will not be picked up until the following collection week for your zone. Rain, early snow and other inclement weather can sometimes alter the leaf collection schedule.?Visit our Leaf Collection page for the full schedule and weather-related updates.?
Oswego's Got Talent Finals this Sunday?
Four youth division and three adult division performances move on to the final round of Oswego's Got Talent at 2 p.m. on Sunday, October 17, at Venue 1012, Oswego?s new amphitheater at 1012 Station Drive.?
This event is free to attend. Come watch our talented performing artists compete for cash prizes and the opportunity to take the stage for crowds at Oswego's major events.?
Get all the details and click Going on our Facebook event page.??
Need help with winter heating bills?
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps eligible low-income households pay for home energy services. Illinois residents with a household income that does not exceed an amount determined annually by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity are eligible. Visit the DCEO's website for more information and to apply.
Sponsor and make the season merry at? Christmas Walk and the Holiday Drive-Through
In 2021, the Village of Oswego is bringing back both the traditional Christmas Walk on Main Street on Friday, Dec. 3, as well as the newly created Holiday Drive-Through event at the parking lot of the new Venue 1012 on Friday, Dec. 10. Sponsor and reach our engaged residents at the start of the holiday shopping season! Discounts are available for sponsoring both events.?Get details.?
Main Street booth applications are also now open. To get more information and reserve your booth, visit www.oswegochristmaswalk.com.
 Community Art Project: Design a winter greeting card!
The Oswego Cultural Arts Commission invites Oswegoans to be part of a winter community art project by creating a card for our winter-themed holiday display in the Village Hall Art Gallery. Pick up a complimentary 5.5? x 8.5?, 138-lb. mixed media card and return it to Oswego Village Hall with a winter design by Nov. 12. We'll display your creativity during our winter card exhibit running Nov. 22-Jan. 28 at Oswego Village Hall.?Get more details.?
Upcoming dates
Sunday, Oct. 17 -?Free Pumpkin Pickup, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Details.
Sunday, Oct. 17 -?Oswego's Got Talent Finale, 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Details.
Monday, Oct. 18 - Leaf collection in Zones A & B. Details.?
Tuesday, Oct. 19 - Village Board at 7 p.m. Special Committee of the Whole at 5 p.m. Watch live.
Thursday, Oct. 21 - Strategic Plan Workshop, 4-8 p.m. at Village Hall.
Monday, Oct. 25 - Leaf collection in Zone C. Details.?