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Just News

for October 14, 2021

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at For continuous updates, follow us on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.


New for NCRC Members: Quarterly Meetings on Fair Housing
NCRC is launching a quarterly fair housing online meeting with NCRC  members as a new benefit of membership. The first meeting will take place October 27, 2021, from 11 am to Noon ET via Zoom. [Read more]


NCRC White Paper: The Case for Expanding the Community Reinvestment Act and Its “Duty to Serve” to the Entire Financial Sector
With banks no longer dominant in consumer lending or personal wealth holdings, the anti-redlining law should be strengthened to cover the entire financial sector and ensure lower-income borrowers and communities of color have access to credit and capital. [Read more]


To Preserve Pre-COVID Economic Growth for Latino Americans, Eliminating Racial Economic Inequality Must Be a Priority of Post-COVID Recovery
By  Jamie Buell, Joshua Devine and Dedrick Asante-Muhammad
In honor of Latino Heritage Month, this is one in a series of NCRC snapshots and infographics exploring racial economic and wealth disparities and the economic conditions of various Latino nationalities. [Read more]

Field Notes

On National Coming Out Day, Let’s Come Out Against LGBTQ+ Poverty
By Jake Lilien and Karen Kali
October 11 is National Coming Out Day. Each year on this day, we show support for our friends, colleagues and family members who have had the courage to come out and live openly as LGBTQ+. It’s a celebratory day, but also a day to recognize the disparities and struggles faced by members of the LGBTQ+ community when living openly in society. [Read more]


Making CRA Relevant for a Changing Financial Services Industry
By Bruce Mitchell and Josh Silver
This paper examines shifts in the market share of banks and nonbank financial institutions in important product markets. Banks are covered by the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) which requires them to serve all communities, including low- and moderate-income (LMI) ones. Nonbanks, in contrast, do not have this obligation. [Read more]

Adding Robust Consideration Of Race To Community Reinvestment Act Regulations: An Essential And Constitutional Proposal
By Brad Blower, Josh Silver, Jason Richardson, Glenn Schlactus and Sacha Markano-Stark 
It is time for regulators to incorporate an explicit focus on race[1] in core CRA regulations and examination procedures. This should and can be done in a manner that complements, and does not in any way supplant, the longstanding focus on LMI. [Read more]


Fair Lending Tool Webinar
October 28, 2:00 Pm ET – 3:00 Pm ET

Join us to learn how to use NCRC’s interactive Fair Lending Tool to produce a report on mortgages, small business lending and bank branch networks for any city, county or metro area in the nation. [Register here]


New Learning & Training Hub
Our new learning management system is live! It is designed with you in mind, offering a more robust experience for every kind of learner. [Learn more]

A DC Hub for Nonprofits, Events and Work
The new Just Economy Club in DC, housed on the 3rd floor of NCRC’s headquarters at 740 15th St. NW,  is designed for social sector nonprofits and events. It’s in the historic Union Trust building at 15th and H Streets, just around the corner from The White House. [Read more]

Browse Our Collection of Research and Reports
We have an extensive library of research and reports that dates back many years; now available in one convenient location! [View all]

Browse Our Collection of Racial Wealth Snapshots
Over the past two years, NCRC has put together a catalog of Racial Wealth Snapshots. [View all]

Sign and Share the Just Economy Pledge
Our economic and social fractures were devastating before COVID, and the pandemic was a painful reminder that inequality isn’t simply about how much stuff you have. It’s about life and death. [Read more]

Forum & Hub
NCRC members: Don't forget you have access to our forum and member hubLearn more about membership here. You can join as an organization or an individual.

2021 Fair Lending Tool
Use our interactive tool to produce a report on mortgages, small business lending and bank branch networks for any city, county or metro area in the nation. [Access the tool here]

NCRC COVID-19 Resource Page
We've compiled and are updating an index of COVID-19 resources for communities, small businesses, individuals and organizations that serve them, such as housing counseling agencies. [Read more]

TreasureCRA Page
CRA will be essential for COVID-19 economic recovery in the communities hardest hit by the pandemic. Use the tools on this page to reach your friends and local leaders. [Read more]

In the News

Nevada 5th in Home Price Increase Year-to-Year
By Dana Gentry, Nevada Current
The increase in prices is illustrated by the widening gap between white and Black homeowners, which was 30 points at the end of the second quarter of this year, according to the U.S. Census. The National Community Reinvestment Coalition said, "Disparate rates of wealth and homeownership are symbiotic issues that persist and continuously leave Black households behind in building generational wealth,". [Read more]

The Democratic Party's 'I Don't See Color' Homeownership Fight, Explained
By Michael Harriot, The Root
According to the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, the racial gap between Black and White homeownership is larger than it was in the 1950s - when banks could legally discriminate against against Black homebuyers. The Decent Affordable Safe Housing for All Act, proposed by Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden, aims to close that gap but would actually increase racial inequality in the space due to its "race-neutral" design. [Read More]

Tug-of-War Over Anti-Redlining Law Heads Back to the Drawing Board
By Kathryn Brenzel, The Real Deal
When Trump-appointed regulator Joseph Otting, previously a career banking executive, proposed a series of overhauls to a 1970s redlining law last year, critics viewed it as a giveaway to the banking industry. “What the OCC was proposing was a complete destruction of atoning for the sins of redlining,” said Josh Silver, a senior policy advisor at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, one of the groups that sued to prevent the new rules from being implemented. [Read more]

On Our Radar

Hispanic Diversity in PR: A Slow Work in Progress
By Yesenia Reinoso, PR News
As we know, diversity has become a topic in the public square. Many companies realize the full force of implementing diverse, equitable and inclusive policies. As Latinos conclude celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month this week, emphasizing representation is as relevant as ever. [Read more]

US Central Bank Governor Calls for Better Access to Credit for Native Americans
By Reuters
Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard said Wednesday that US financial regulators will seek to improve Native American communities’ access to credit.“We will continue to focus on and seek feedback on how to best encourage impactful CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) activities in Indian Country, including for building climate resilience where needed,” Brainard said in prepared remarks. [Read more]

Goldman Sachs: Home Prices to Climb Another 16% by the End of 2022
By Anna Bahney, CNN Business
Since the pandemic began, demand among homebuyers has far exceeded the supply of available homes, causing real estate prices to skyrocket. But as high as prices are, they have yet to peak, according to a new report from Goldman Sachs. [Read more]
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