Building Back Better
CLASP has been working diligently along with countless partners to call attention to the Build Back Better (BBB) Act’s provisions that respond to the needs of people with low incomes, communities of color, immigrants, and others who have been historically marginalized. Families need investments across care programs, including in child care, tax credits, and paid family and medical leave. These programs are all crucial and address unique and urgent caregiving and economic needs. When combined with funding for health, mental health, nutrition, and good jobs—along with a pathway to citizenship—these programs are essential to delivering an equitable economic recovery for all.
NEW! BBB Fact Sheet
A new fact sheet shows how BBB investments in care—including child care and pre-k, the child tax credit, and paid family and medical leave—will help children and families. Take a look and share with others!
Taking to the Airwaves to Talk BBB
Olivia Golden, CLASP’s executive director, appeared on the Sunday edition of C-SPAN’s Washington Journal for a 45-minute segment that included live call-ins. She discussed why America needs to Build Back Better and explained how the Act’s many provisions support children, families, young people, and others on their paths to economic security.
New York Times: When Child Care Costs Twice as Much as the Mortgage
In a Sunday front page, above-the-fold story, The New York Times laid out a powerful case for why our nation must invest in child care though the BBB Act. Stephanie Schmit, CLASP’s director of child care and early education was quoted saying, “For too long, parents have had to struggle with the high cost of care, while child care providers have been incredibly undervalued and underpaid. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to do right for everyone.”