From Yang2020 <[email protected]>
Subject The DNC just raised the stakes -- making our goal even more important
Date October 25, 2019 11:54 PM
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[ Andrew ]Andrew Yang for President

Yang Gang --

This morning it was announced that the DNC has raised the stakes for the
December debate.

We must now hit higher polling thresholds to qualify and get Andrew’s
voice on the stage.

That makes hitting this October end-of-month goal even more important. We
must go up with ads in the early states if we’re going to qualify for this

Can you make your first
contribution now when it matters most? We only have 6 days
to hit this goal and we’re still $1,084,626 away.

[ [link removed] ]Contribute

Andrew’s counting on all of us to get him on that stage. And we can’t
stress enough how important this debate will be.

Voters from across the country will be tuning in and making their final
choices about who to support. What we do now will be the difference --
please make a contribution of $5
or more now:
[ [link removed] ][link removed]

Let’s do this.


Most of our donations come from people like you
chipping in small amounts when they can. Your continued
generosity helps us keep building this movement.

[ [link removed] ]Contribute

Paid for by Friends of Andrew Yang

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