Dear John,
This week, anti-abortion extremists from all over the country have come to Wisconsin to harass providers and intimidate patients outside of two abortion clinics, emphasizing Affiliated Medical Services, an independent abortion clinic in Milwaukee. The extremists are from Operation Save America, a group that specializes in harassing patients, threatening providers, and using misogynist, racist, and homophobic rhetoric and tactics.
We at the Feminist Majority Foundation are currently on the ground in Milwaukee, working in partnership with courageous clinic staff members and fierce grassroots activists from AMS Clinic Escorts, the Women’s Medical Fund, and student leaders at nearby colleges to defend abortion access throughout the state.
That’s why the Feminist Majority Foundation’s National Clinic Access Project is here in Wisconsin right now. And it’s why we’ve been on the ground in Indiana, Louisiana, North Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, and countless other states - working with independent abortion clinics by fortifying security, organizing grassroots action, and engaging in legal strategy to help ensure that across the country, clinic doors stay open.
Without clinics, there is no choice.
For Women's Lives,

duVergne Gaines
NCAP Director
Shivani Desai
Senior National Organizer
1600 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 801, Arlington, VA, 22209 | 703.522.2214 | we[email protected]
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