Meet your E Board Candidates!

Candidate Statements for Sacramento DSA E Board

Meet your candidates for Sacramento DSA's Executive Board!
Claire Palmer, nominated for Organizer
Margot Rinaldo, nominated for Co-Chair (Incumbent)
Jeff Rousset, nominated for Organizer
"I've been living in Sacramento for a little over a year. In that time I've mostly been organizing and training at the national and international levels. It's been great, but I'm eager to support local organizing and get more involved with the local community. I hope to connect with many more members of Sac DSA in the days and weeks ahead. Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you want to connect. Let’s build people power in Sactown!"
Ellen Schwartz, nominated for Treasurer
Andee Sunderland, nominated for Co-Chair
"I have been a member of Sacramento DSA for 7 years, and served multiple terms as co-chair before our membership surged in 2016 and beyond. I'm seeking to reprise that role because I see a need in our organization for experience with politics in Sacramento and as a Socialist organizer, to set us on a path where many more people can become long distance runners for our movement."
Seth Strumwasser, nominated for Organizer
"I see so much potential in this chapter; we’ve shown that we can accomplish amazing things, like winning Sacramento County for Bernie, electing one of our members to city council, supporting labor struggles, and advocating for the most vulnerable members of our community. It will be hard work, but with a coherent strategy and effective coordination we can continue to advance the socialist movement in Sacramento and win important victories for our community."
Nominations for all Executive Board Positions are currently open until October 22, 2021. We especially need someone to run for Secretary, so please fill out the nomination form if you or someone you know is interested in helping lead our chapter!

Sacramento DSA's 2021 Local Convention

Our annual local convention is coming up this November 20, 2021. The Local Convention will substitute for our regularly scheduled General Membership Meeting for the month of November. Each year we are mandated by our bylaws to review chapter priorities and provide an opportunity for our general membership to assess our bylaw structure and officer duties.
Here are the convention rules:
Pursuant to these rules, no motions to introduce bylaw amendments, convention resolutions, or amendments to either will be allowed on the floor of the convention. All bylaw amendments, convention resolutions, and amendments to bylaw amendments/convention resolutions must be submitted prior to the convention to allow for timely constructive dialogue in anticipation of the convention.
Submit bylaw amendments or convention resolutions here:
Submissions close after 11:59PM, October 20th, 2021. For reference, here is what passed at last year's local convention. Proposals will be announced at the October General Membership Meeting upon which motions to amend proposals (bylaw amendments or convention resolutions) will be open soon after.

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