Have you heard the latest news on the border crisis?
There are two large caravans making their way to the U.S. southern border. And there are reports that indicate as many as 400,000 illegal migrants plan to infiltrate the southern border by Halloween. That will be WAY worse than what happened recently.
This isn’t some organic effort. And not everyone making this treacherous journey is escaping persecution and dangerous conditions that would make them potentially eligible for refugee status.
Demand Safe Borders
We are still battling a pandemic that has left American citizens without many of their basic freedoms. So why are borders open while many businesses are struggling to stay open? 
Many migrants are coming from regions where health conditions are notoriously poor, access to vaccines are low, and COVID rates, and new variants, are sky-high. 
Demand Safe Borders
The journey itself and situations they face after illegally crossing the border—such as the images we’ve seen of migrants jam-packed under bridges and in holding facilities—open the door for another public health crisis.
It’s simply unconscionable that there’s not more being done to secure the border and take all reasonable measures to keep Americans, as well as migrants, safe from the spread of COVID. That’s why we need you to speak up, Friend.
Add your name to our petition calling on the administration to secure safe borders and mandate greater COVID screening processes at the border.
Heather R. Higgins