Hi John,

Nearly half of all women killed in the United States are murdered by a current or former intimate partner. And more than half of all intimate partner homicides are committed by dating partners.

But right now, under federal law, abusive dating partners and convicted stalkers are not prohibited from having firearms. This gap in federal law, known as the “boyfriend loophole,” leaves countless survivors vulnerable to gun violence.

The House of Representatives has passed legislation to close this dangerous loophole, but the Senate has not. Email your Senators today and demand they take action to close the boyfriend loophole.

It is clear that closing this gap in the law will work to protect survivors of abuse from gun violence. Studies have found that when states expanded domestic violence protection laws to include dating partners, intimate partner gun homicides fell 16 percent.

Being safe from gun violence shouldn’t depend on your relationship status. The boyfriend loophole leaves countless survivors of domestic violence at risk of gun violence. We can’t allow Congressional inaction to continue putting lives at risk.

Please, take a minute to contact your Senators and urge them to protect survivors of domestic violence by closing the boyfriend loophole.

Thank you,
Dylan (he/him)


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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