John, when we talk about the lives that are at stake in our fight for the Build Back Better Act that would lower drug prices, and invest in childcare, education, clean energy, climate action, and housing, this is what we mean:
Jennifer Mount, a home health care aide, worries… she will not get the raise she needs to pay more than $3,000 in medical bills for blindness in one eye...
And Amy Stelly wonders… whether she will continue to breathe fumes from a freeway that she says constantly make her home in New Orleans shudder. She has a message for the president and the Democrats who are in the process of trying to pack his sprawling agenda into a diminishing legislative package.
“You come up and live next to this,” Ms. Stelly said. “You live this quality of life. We suffer while you debate.” -The New York Times, October 12, 2021.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Movements and people’s organizations put it all on the line in 2020 to create the conditions for real progress on our agenda. And now real victories for our people are within reach — but only if each and every one of us continues to hold the line and make clear that anything less just won’t do.
Can you contribute $3 or any amount today to fuel our advocacy for the Build Back Better Act over this final stretch and help us elect even more progressives to Congress who will be champions for our communities?
Contribute $3
When working people come together, we move mountains.
Under the leadership of Representative Pramila Jayapal and the Congressional Progressive Caucus, WFP champions and progressives like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Cori Bush stood together as a bloc to demand the passage of the entire Build Back Better agenda – no compromises, no excuses. We stared down sensationalist media coverage and threats from corporate Democrats trying to force a vote on the smaller infrastructure bill, and we carried the day.
Those of us building power on the ground in cities and states across the country, and our allies and champions in Congress, have been in deep strategic alignment since the beginning of this fight. And together, we made it possible for progressives in Congress to deny the false choice between investing in roads and bridges and investing in climate and care.
The fight is not yet won, but we are so close to winning it. Corporate Democrats and the lobbyists they answer to are doubling down on their efforts to kill the Build Back Better Act, but we have what they don’t: the people.
It’s time for Congress to deliver. Contribute $3 or any amount to help us get the full Build Back Better Act over the finish line and fuel our efforts to expand our progressive coalition in Washington next year.
Contribute $3
In solidarity,
Maurice Mitchell
National Director
Working Families Party
P.S. I was proud to join the Congressional Progressive Caucus, WFP champions in the House and Senate, and movement leaders for a #TimeToDeliver Town Hall last night. If you missed the conversation, click here to watch the whole thing now.

Become a Working Families Party Member! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight.
Paid for by Working Families Party National PAC (77 Sands St. #6, Brooklyn, NY, 11201).