John -

Does any of this sound like “Build Back Better” to you? In the last week…
  • a former DHS official revealed that over 400,000 illegal aliens who were released from custody this year are living unaccounted for in the U.S.
  • parents are being labeled as “domestic terrorists” by our own Justice Department for refusing to comply with unconstitutional COVID mandates.
  • the latest jobs report again recorded numbers of people dropping out of the workforce.

Another week, another series of crises thanks to Biden’s socialist agenda. It was never meant to “build back” anything – it was always about appeasing his radical, authoritarian base.
Dan Crenshaw is preparing for a 2022 campaign that will absolutely CRUSH the Democrats in Congress who let this happen. But he needs your INPUT to build the most effective messaging strategy.
What failed Biden/Pelosi policies do you think voters will care most about? What would you say to persuade moderate voters who detest the socialist direction America is headed down but are on the fence about voting Republican?

Your feedback is crucial in order for Dan Crenshaw to take back the House, fire Nancy Pelosi, and stop Biden in 2022.

Thanks for your continued support.

-Team Crenshaw
Thank you for fighting for our conservative values. Your support is extremely valuable and crucial for Republicans to take back the House and Senate in 2022. Dan Crenshaw is counting on you to help him restore America and teach our kids to to be grateful for our Founding, our Constitution, our Flag, and our People. If you would like to become a Sustaining Donor to Dan Crenshaw's messaging campaign for 2022, please click here. If you prefer to donate by check, please make your donation payable to Crenshaw for Congress, P.O. Box 430965, Houston, TX 77243.