Dear Patriot,
There’s a reason Audit the Fed has passed the U.S. House twice.
That reason is YOU. That’s why I am
reaching out again with even more urgency, so Campaign for Liberty can create the force needed to STOP the controlled demolition of our
monetary system. The scenario of a dollar collapse is being promoted right in front of us. They’re not even trying to hide it. But
some on the left are starting to get weak-kneed when it comes to more spending.
Skyrocketing prices on everything from natural gas to a gallon of milk is starting to hurt representatives and senators in their home
districts. NOW is the time to concentrate all our attention on this issue and
double down while they are scrambling. While the destruction of the
monetary system is right in front of us, so is the solution. Audit the Fed legislation has been
introduced in both chambers. Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) wasted no time introducing H.R. 24, The
Federal Reserve Transparency Act, in January of this year. My son, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY),
introduced the companion bill in the Senate, S. 573. That’s the great news.
The bad news is today we sit with just 57 cosponsors in the House, which is a far cry from where we
need to be. And the timing could not be more critical with $Trillions in new spending that has
created complete and total chaos in our economy. And with so much of our focus spent
on COVID tyranny for the last 19 months, we are behind, and we need to catch up fast.
If we don’t, I’m afraid we’ll realize the worst of our predictions about a currency collapse coming true.
And that will be followed by a total financial collapse.
It’s madness. And the Federal Reserve lies at the root of it all.
Politicians in BOTH parties have figured out the Fed will just print money out of thin air to pay the bills when taxing and borrowing doesn’t
make ends meet. They really believe they can keep spending like there’s no tomorrow and
nothing will ever happen! But economic chickens ALWAYS come home to roost.
That’s why auditing the Fed -- striking at the heart of the Washington, D.C. Leviathan -- is so critical.
If passed, Audit the Fed would finally show the American people that the Federal Reserve System leads to:
Constant economic crises. The 2008 housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created
by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation. And we’re in the midst of another bubble that could burst any second;
*** The destruction of the middle class. As food, housing, medical care, and
education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money plummets;
*** Currency destruction. History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police
states can result when people finally realize our money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and REFUSE to accept it.
It’s up to you and me to create the sense of urgency in
Congress that is severely lacking right now. If you and I don’t do it, who will?
That’s why I am asking for your immediate action demanding your U.S. Senators and Representative
cosponsor H.R. 24/S. 573 for a full and complete audit of the Federal Reserve . . . . . .
before it’s too late! Click here to sign the petition. Once you’ve done that, please consider a generous
donation to Campaign for Liberty and our efforts to force transparency of the reckless Federal Reserve. $25, $75, or whatever you can
afford. We don’t have much time to push the cosponsor count into the
100’s where it needs to be for a major push. Some in Congress seemingly already have
their eyes on a “controlled” collapse of the dollar and a move into an all-digital, centralized currency. That would be a disaster for free markets and for our freedom and liberty.
Every single transaction would be monitored, tracked, and could even be declined if you’re not buying what Big Brother thinks you
should be. Right on time for the next financial crisis, some in Congress are looking to
“change the nature of money.” On July 28, the “Digital Asset Market Structure
and Investor Protection Act” was introduced by Don Beyer (D-VA). The bill is positioned
as regulating cryptocurrency, but that’s deceptive. Could this be the all-digital
currency that the central planners dream about? Perhaps.
Even more preposterous was the idea presented last week to mint a $1 Trillion platinum coin in the event Congress failed to
raise the debt ceiling. Supporters of the idea assert minting the coin would help avert global
economic catastrophe should the U.S. exceed its debt limit and a government shutdown were to occur.
The shutdown may be just what we need -- the $1 Trillion coin certainly is not. And what we
really need is a full Audit of the Fed before they put the final nail in the coffin of the Dollar.
Moving Audit the Fed forward starts with getting more
cosponsors, so I am urging you to take immediate action by signing your petition to DEMAND your U.S.
Senators and Representative cosponsor at once. Once you’ve done that, please consider a generous
donation of $25, $50, or $75 to support your Campaign for Liberty and our efforts to force transparency of the reckless Federal
Reserve. Your support will allow us to take immediate action to gain
cosponsors with a big push across multiple platforms: 1) Deploy targeted online ads which may be THE most cost-effective way for you and me to turn up the heat!
2) Use mail and email to contact up to 12 million Americans from coast-to-coast to
generate petitions just like the one I’m asking you to sign today; 3) Work the
talk-radio lines to explain exactly why Audit the Fed is absolutely critical to stopping the economic DISASTER I’m worried is right
around the corner; and 4) Launch an all-out email and phone mobilization
campaign to explain to the American people exactly why the Federal Reserve MUST be exposed. Of course, I’d like to do even more -- including radio and even TV ads -- if I can
raise the funds. But unlike the Fed, I can’t just snap my fingers and create money out of
thin air. Campaign for Liberty depends on the generosity of good folks like you for everything we do.
So in addition to signing
your petition, will you please agree to your most generous gift of $50 right away?
We know the Federal Reserve is the root of all evil in government because they pay for the worst actions, like COVID mandates and shutdowns,
endless wars, and Wall Street bailouts. And the Fed operates in secret -- with no real
accountability! But if the Fed really has nothing to hide, then there’s
absolutely no reason for your representative and senators not to ask for an audit. If
America doesn’t reverse course quickly, the result will look something like Zimbabwe or the Weimar Republic.
I wish I had better news, but you and I have the solution right in front of us. vYou and I MUST see exactly where our money has
been going -- it certainly isn’t into the pockets of hard-working Americans. The nearly
20-month spending spree by Congress, propped up by the Federal Reserve’s printing presses, was all done under the guise of an economic downturn
which happened organically due to the Coronavirus outbreak. The reality is the economic
depression was really caused by so-called public health actions government took in response.
Coronavirus was just a convenient excuse for the Fed to do even more of what it was already doing.
Now hard-working Americans have been hit with a double-whammy -- rapidly rising consumer prices on the heels of an economic downturn that cost
millions their jobs and businesses. In a sense, this has all been engineered -- and paid
for by you and me. The financial elites have only gotten richer since the start of the
Coronacrisis, so they have no reason to stop their con-job on the public now. . . Unless we
make them. Whether it’s bigger spending packages, borrowing against a $1 Trillion coin,
converting to a totally centralized, digital currency, or just more secrecy and stonewalling of an audit, Congress and the Fed will continue to pull
the wool over the public’s eyes. vJust think about what a little transparency would do for public sentiment.
Can you even imagine what they are doing now? We must wholesale reject all
of the gimmicks coming from Congress and the Fed to clean up the mess they made in our economy and hard press them to submit to an audit at once. They must cosponsor The Federal Reserve Transparency Act, H.R. 24/ S.573!
Sign the petition!
Despite all of the turmoil, I remain optimistic, and I appreciate your dedication to the cause of peace, liberty, and
sound money. For Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman P.S.
It’s up to you and me to create the sense of urgency about Audit the Fed in Congress that is severely lacking right now.
If you and I don’t do it, who will? That’s why I am
asking for your immediate action demanding your U.S. Senators and Representative cosponsor H.R. 24/S. 573 for a full and complete audit of the Federal
Reserve . . . . . . before it’s too late!
Click here to sign the
petition. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please
click here. ________________________________________________
The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government,
sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.