Apologies, our last email contained an incorrect link. Please submit your nominations here for the Health Justice Advocate of the year!

Each year at Families USA's Health Action Conference, we honor exceptional health champions who lead the charge to create a nation where the best health and health care is accessible and affordable to all. We want to hear from you about the amazing people you know of fighting for health justice.

This past year and a half we have been fighting for justice on so many fronts, including health care, housing, racial justice, voting rights, immigration and more. It is high time for us to come together, rejuvenate, strategize, and network for the year ahead. Families USA’s Health Action Conference: Health Justice Now, taking place virtually on the afternoons of Jan. 25 and Jan. 26, is that opportunity.

Registration opens on Wednesday of next week, October 20, so mark your calendars to take advantage of discounted rates for our first 100 registrants. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook for more information.

Families USA’s Health Action Conference: Health Justice Now is the event to connect with people just like you, who are passionate about fighting for justice within and beyond the health advocacy space. Together, we work to build to a future where the best health and health care are equally accessible and affordable to all.

Thank you for all that you do to advance the health justice for millions of families across the country every day. 

In partnership,
Lisa Hunter
Copyright © 2019 Families USA, All rights reserved.
Health Action Network

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