Good evening and welcome to our Week-End Update.
This week, I was honored to accompany both President Donald Trump
and Vice President Mike Pence on their trips to the Commonwealth.
On Monday, I joined Vice President Pence at SCHOTT North America in
Duryea, Pennsylvania to discuss the importance of passing the United
States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). SCHOTT North America is a
Pennsylvania-based company that manufactures glass for many

The Vice President’s comments on the USMCA were clear...we need to
pass this bill immediately. This pact will ensure our country has
free, fair and reciprocal trade deals that supports hardworking
American farmers, businesses and families.
This deal is commonsense, but it is being held up by Speaker Nancy
Pelosi and the extreme leftwing of the House Democratic Party for
political reasons. They are putting their politics over hardworking
Americans. It is a shame and another reason why we need a change in
leadership in the U.S. House in 2020.
On Tuesday, we had a number of important meetings with stakeholders
and I received the Champion of Term Limits Award from U.S. Term
Limits. I want to thank them and I am proud to advocate for and
cosponsor HJR20.
On Wednesday, I traveled with my fellow Congressional colleagues
from Pennsylvania, including Congressmen G.T. Thompson, Mike Kelly,
Lloyd Smucker, Guy Reschenthaler, John Joyce and Fred Keller, aboard
Air Force One with President Trump to the Shale Insight Conference in
Pittsburgh. President Trump spoke about the importance of the energy
industry and the importance of maintaining our nation’s energy
independence. Pennsylvania and the natural gas industry which is
flourishing is a major part why our nation is energy independent. We
must continue to fight these battles as extreme socialist Democrats
support bans on fracking and want to put the many thousands of
hardworking Pennsylvanians in those jobs out of work. They don’t get
it. If we are less energy secure in America, we are more dependent on
nation’s in the Middle East for energy and they don’t have our
nation's best interests in mind.

In News You Won’t Hear In The Mainstream
Media: President Trump promised he would unleash an
energy revolution and he has kept his word.
President Trump has ended the war on energy by rolling back
excessive regulations.
- The Administration ended the job killing policies put in place by
the previous administration, like the Clean Power Plan and “stream
protection rule.”
- The President announced he is pulling the United States out of the
fraudulent, ineffective, and one-sided Paris Climate Accord.
- Complying with the Paris Accord would have cost Americans billions
of dollars and put millions of jobs at risk for no meaningful
reduction of emissions.
- President Trump has opened up federally owned land and offshore
areas for energy exploration and production.
- President Trump completed a 40-year effort to open up the Alaska
National Wildlife Refuge for American energy companies to explore and
The Trump Administration is unleashing an unprecedented
energy production boom and improving energy
- The United States is now the world leader in oil and natural gas
- Crude oil production reached a record high last year and is
projected to reach another record high this year.
- Natural gas production is on pace to set a record high in 2019,
which would be the third straight year of record production. In many
ways, Pennsylvania is leading this growth.
- This energy production boom is leading to increasingly more energy
- In 2018, coal exports reached their highest level in 5 years.
- Crude oil exports reached a record average of 2 million barrels
per day last year and have averaged a record 2.8 million barrels per
day so far this year.
- The Trump Administration has taken action to improve America’s
energy infrastructure.
- The Trump Administration has approved permits for nationally
important infrastructure such as the Dakota Access and Keystone XL
- President Trump has taken action to improve and expedite the
Federal permitting process for energy and other infrastructure
To help keep up that energy momentum in Pennsylvania, I recently
introduced H.R. 4735, the Mine Affected Community Energy and
Environment Act, which creates a federal performance-based tax credit
(PTC) for coal refuse-fired power plants that generate electricity
through the removal and remediation of the coal refuse found on
abandoned mine lands.
There are currently more than 220 million tons of coal
refuse, also known as waste coal, culm, boney, gob, and other names,
in Pennsylvania, covering over 8,300 acres. Already, these
Pennsylvania power plants have removed more than 225 million tons of
such refuse, leading to the improvement or restoration of 1,200 miles
of stream and reclamation of 7,200 acres of abandoned mine lands. The
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection estimates that, in
Pennsylvania alone, the cost to remediate the known coal refuse piles
would be at least $2 billion dollars if left to the Commonwealth or
the federal government.
This week, I spoke on the floor of the U.S. House to once again
decry the lack of due process, transparency and the presumption of
guilt which is what this "impeachment inquiry" process led by Speaker
Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats. Click
here to watch.

Last night, Shelley and I attended a Congressional PAC fundraiser
in Philadelphia hosted by Pennsylvania's Republican National
Committeeman Bob Asher. It was a great event highlighting our great
Republican Congressional delegation members and the Republican Party
of Pennsylvania.
In our Friday Night Light’s Update: The Conrad
Weiser Scouts have a big matchup with the Governor Mifflin Mustangs.
We wish both teams the best of luck in what promises to be a
hard-fought match-up.
My son Danny’s team, the Dallas Mountaineers, are undefeated and
look to keep their streak alive against a tough Lake-Lehman team.
Tonight is the Old Shoe Game, which began in 1948. The Old Shoe Trophy
goes to the winner of this back mountain rivalry. Look forward to
another great weekend of high school football.
Thank you and we will see you soon,