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Economic Democracy Weekly

In today’s Economic Democracy Weekly, we focus on struggles for economic justice in Native communities, starting with an article on the movement for land recovery known as #LandBack. The latest entry in the solidarity economy series discusses a deepening partnership between a nonprofit co-op developer and the Wiyot nation in northern California. Another article highlights the work of a Wisconsin-based Native community development loan fund. Lastly, we invite you to join us tomorrow for a webinar to continue the conversation, featuring three writers published this fall in our Economic Justice in Indian Country article series.

From the Magazine

Land Back: A Necessary Act of Reparations

Land Back must happen so that all other aspects of Indigenous livelihood can return with it. As a metanarrative, it helps unite Indigenous people for our collective liberation. Read more...

An Indigenous Community Land Trust Rises: Making Land Back a Reality

In Humboldt County, California, a partnership between the Wiyot nation and a local cooperative support group is creating a path towards a regenerative economy. Read more...
Uncover the Latest Employee Engagement Strategies for Nonprofits
Learn the importance of evaluating your employer brand, tips for embracing cultural diversity within your workforce, and creative employee benefit ideas that support work-life balance.
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Photo by <a href="">Jonne Huotari</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Building Community through Finance: A Wisconsin Native CDFI’s Story

How does a Native CDFI build community? Investment by investment, the work has a ripple effect that helps break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. Read more...

The Next Generation of Grants Management Software
Now more than ever, grantmaking is about sharing power, expediting access to capital, and streamlining processes. To efficiently and effectively drive impact, the best grants management software solutions must support these new values of simplicity and equity. Many foundations and organizations are now asking themselves—how can grants management software help us adapt to this new philosophy, and is our current technology solution doing enough? Download this free buyers’ guide to learn how to align your processes and take action, today!
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Webinar Tomorrow: Economic Justice in Indian Country

Join us for Remaking the Economy: Economic Justice in Indian Country on Oct. 14th at 2 pm EDT. Cosponsored by First Nations, the conversation will feature Heather Fleming (Navajo) of Change Labs, Vanessa Roanhorse (Navajo) of Native Women Leads, and Lakota Vogel (Cheyenne River Sioux) of Four Bands Community Loan Fund. Free registration here. Free registration here.
5 Tips to Pitch Your Nonprofit Data Integration Strategy
This guide describes the challenges facing nonprofits today, the importance of data integration, and provides five practical steps to obtain buy-in – and help ensure your organization’s capacity to reach business goals and grow.
Download the Guide here.
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