
Social Venture Circle and the American Sustainable Business Council are proud to partner with Lisa Gralnek of LVG & Co. on Episode 45 of Future of XYZ- a weekly interview series dedicated to fostering forward-thinking discussions about where we are as a world and where we want to go.

This week, SVC Board Member and President of Green Retirement, Timothy Yee, explores the ‘Future of Sustainable Retirement'. Growing awareness and demand, along with evolving data and regulatory guidance are driving ESG (environmental, social and governance) fund investment and performance. Make retirement doubly sustainable today!

WATCH the Future of Sustainable Retirement

Upcoming Events

October 20 - The Greater Good: Social Entrepreneurship for Everyday People
Join author and serial social venture founder Madeleine Shaw in conversation with Social Venture Institute (SVI) co-producer Vanessa Richards.

October 21, November 4, November 11 - 
Activate Your Money: Invest to Grow Your Wealth and Build a Better World
A 3-part webinar series led by Janine Firpo, Co-Founder of Invest for Better and Author of 'Activate Your Money.' This series goes beyond basic financial literacy to provide the details you need to become a confident investor. Janine and her guest trainers will give you the knowledge you need to take control of your money and make great returns by investing in the communities, people, and companies that match your values.

October 22 - Prosperity: Better Business Makes the Greater Good
A conversation between Colin Mayer (Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford) and Jeffrey Hollender (ASBC). In his book, Prosperity, Colin Mayer sets out a positive new agenda, demonstrating that the corporation is in a unique and powerful position to promote economic and social wellbeing in its fullest sense, for customers, for future generations, as well as for shareholders.

October 26 - Climate Positive Fashion Businesses: Hit Bold Climate Goals and Go Net Zero
Whether you're an investor, founder/employee of a social impact startup/institution, or with an established business, join David Jaber (Climate Positive Consulting) and Shamini Dhana (D/Sphere) to discuss the details of how businesses- in fashion and beyond- can help us to get to a climate positive future.

November 2 - Is Costa Rica a Model for a More Livable Planet?
Learn what Luis Daniel Gonzalez thinks about Costa Rica’s reputation as a pioneer in the protection of peace and nature. Bring your questions and get Luis Daniel’s take on how Costa Rica plans to turn pledges into solid policies with a detailed plan to decarbonize its economy by 2050. Costa Rica’s message is that sustainability and growth can—and must—go hand-in-hand. Is this really possible?

November 10 - ‘Just and Regenerative’ Business: the What, Why and How
Right now, standard sustainability approaches are being redefined and the next wave will be centered around delivering a ‘just and regenerative’ future. This session with Forum for the Future will put the spotlight on what that means in real terms for business, how you can make the case for transformational change, and how you can galvanize your teams – from finance and procurement to marketing and corporate affairs - to make it happen.

December 8-10 - ASBC-SVC 2021 Winter Conference
An in-person convening for business leaders, impact investors, policy makers, and more taking place in Paradise Point, San Diego, CA.

In partnership with 



Social Venture Circle (SVC) is a membership network that equips entrepreneurs, impact investors, and capacity-builders with connections, money, and expertise in order to build businesses that drive the NEXT economy: one that is regenerative, equitable and prosperous for all.

Copyright © 2021, SVC, All rights reserved.
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