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Refuse Fascism Editorial Board members Coco Das and Paul Street dig into what's happening, and what's behind the relentless advance of the fascist movement. It's all part of our mission to expose, analyze, and stand against the very real danger and threat of fascism coming to power in this country. Please share & comment.
Political “Realities” According to Don Calloway
by Coco Das |
Democratic strategist Don Calloway made a compelling case against the “energetic” argument of former RNC chair Michael Steele that Biden and congressional Democrats have the authority to enforce the subpoenas that Bannon and other January 6th organizers are defying on Trump’s orders. “You’re absolutely right, they have the authority, but you act as though we don’t understand that there are political realities, and [Biden] has to protect his house majorities as well as become re-elected himself…” more
Baby Talk Fascists: Reflections on a Summer Encounter
by Paul Street |
Last August I witnessed an effort to disrupt women’s right to an abortion outside a Planned Parenthood clinic on the Near North Side of Chicago. The action was conducted by some outwardly friendly women-haters with the demented Christian Right organization Operation Rescue (OR). It was very instructive regarding a topic I had not previously understood with sufficient clarity: the significant extent to which current American anti-abortion sentiment and activists are linked to a broader right-wing neo-fascist world view and movement... more
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Refuse Fascism podcast #80:
No Laughing Matter with Walter Masterson
Plus: Andy Zee on the Movement Against Fascism

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Uploaded October 10. Walter Masterson is a comedian known for going deep into Trump territory. He talks with Sam Goldman about why the Trump movement is deadly serious.
Then, Sam talks to Andy Zee, one of the initiators of Refuse Fascism and a host of The Revolution Nothing Less Show on YouTube about the movement against fascism in the US.
Send your comments to [email protected] or @SamBGoldman. Or leave a voicemail at 917-426-7582 or on
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