as the Dashain massacre begins TOMORROW. Sign our critical petition to end animal sacrifice at the Dashain festival.

My friend, she is TERRIFIED, HUNGRY, and EXHAUSTED after enduring days on a filthy, overcrowded truck. But the worst is yet to come…and she’s not alone.


Thousands of victims just like her will be DRAGGED, BEATEN… then BEHEADED during Nepal’s most celebrated animal sacrifice event.


URGENT: This massacre begins tomorrow! We MUST stand against this cruel ritual of sacrificing animals at the Dashain Festival. SIGN NOW!


The Dashain Festival happens every year. The worst days for animals are the 8th and 9th days of the 15-day festival, when animals are sacrificed and offered to the blood-thirsty goddesses in return for fertility and good fortune.


The massacres will begin on the next full moon cycle… which is just HOURS AWAY…falling on October 13th!


What’s worse, WORD ON THE STREET is that this year’s sacrifices will be drastically BLOODIER and more FRENZIED than ever with the lifting of Covid restrictions imposed last year.


See, ARM has been on the ground at the Dashain festival in the past, and I can’t even begin to describe how TRAUMATIZING the TORTURE scenes really are.


Devotees have even expressed to our covert operatives that they will be making up for lost time from last year.


Here’s what’s coming:

  • BLOOD-CURDLED SCREAMS as baby buffalos, goats, sheep, and other animals writhe in PAIN and make DESPERATE attempts to escape their crazed captors.
  • MACHETES COVERED IN BLOOD are waved around carelessly by merciless killers SCREAMING as they fight over who beheads the terrified animals in front of them. Many animals even collapse from the FEAR alone.
  • STREETS LINED WITH BLOOD as death tolls and lifeless bodies pile up in pools of blood.

Animals are arriving from around the country, India, Tibet, and even China as I write this to you. As the anticipation builds, we need to join together – and DEMAND CHANGE to end the animal sacrifice. Sign our URGENT Petition.


We’re making progress as Nepal’s next generation is OUTRAGED, but this is far from over. We need to keep up the pressure – giving a united voice from animal advocates like yourself – and bring this sacrifice to an end once and for all.


Can we count on your action?


DEADLINE: The Dashain massacre is about to begin. SIGN/SHARE within 24 HOURS to help us end the torture and encourage more compassionate practices that spare innocent animals.


Demand change,


Richard 'Kudo' Couto

Founder | Lead Investigator

Animal Recovery Mission


P.S. Friend, please speak up for the victims of Dashain’s ungodly massacre: sign/share our urgent petition in the next 24 hours. Thanks - Kudo