
Lately, the media has been anything but truthful when reporting about the airline cancellations and the supply chain crisis. They are willing to risk their credibility so they can gaslight us into believing their narrative!

The bottom line is, the liberal media is willing to do anything to make President Biden look good. Despite Biden’s terrible performance in office, news publications like CNN and the New York Times are attributing all of his failures to President Trump!
America deserves to hear the truth about the reality of our nation. Airlines aren’t canceling flights due to “bad weather”, they are canceling them because their employees are fed up with dealing with overreaching vaccine mandates! Meanwhile, America is facing massive shortages that the liberal media claims are due to “Covid” when in reality, it’s Biden’s fault for failing to get America back to work!

I know I will be doing all I can to shed light on the liberal media’s lies. America needs to hear the truth about Biden’s failures so that we can hold him accountable and get our nation back on track. It won’t be easy, but with your support, I know we can hold Biden and the liberal media accountable!
For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne