Action Alert


Action Needed: Does Dade Phelan Support Women's Sports?

AUSTIN, Texas – Liberals and leftists want to allow boys to play in girls sports. Speaker Phelan needs to act now and protect girl athletes across the state of Texas. The Save Women's Sports bill (HB 25) has yet to be scheduled for a vote on the House Floor. Last Wednesday, the Constitutional Rights and Remedies House Committee passed the Save Women's Sports bill. Time is running out, as this Third Special Session comes to a close next Tuesday, the 19th. HB 25 mades it clear that everyone plays by same rules. The birth certificate nearest at birth is used to decide if a student plays in girls or boys sports.

Governor Greg Abbott has placed this issue on the special session call at least 3 times in a row. Further, the Texas Senate, led by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, has passed a Save Women's Sports bill during all three special sessions. Over 30 states are considering legislation on this issue, and at least 8 states have already passed bills protecting girls' sports.

The question remains whether Speaker Phelan is blocking or supporting this bill. He needs to have the Calendars Committee schedule the Save Women's Sports bill for a House Floor vote immediately, in order to protect the current and future of girls' sports. 

We have confirmed that the majority of the Texas House already supports HB 25, the Save Women's Sports bill. Your voice needs to be heard, TODAY. Time is running out!

Tell Speaker Phelan's office about the necessity of this bill by calling the Capitol office at (512) 463-1100, and email his office at by clicking the button below.


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