In my last email I talked about how from a young age I was taught the value of public service
In my last email, I talked about how from a young age I was taught the value of public service and community-building by my grandmother who was the second woman to be elected to Phoenix City Council. I talked about how my dreams and struggles as a businesswoman gives me unique perspective that equips me to be of better service to my community.
Today, I want to dig in a bit about my "why" and then share what I’ve been hearing from people like you around
the district. 1) Please explain why you are running for the City Council and not again for Congressional District Five?
"I am so proud of the work and overwhelming support I received as a Candidate for Congressional District Five. I demonstrated that I could unite a diverse community around our kitchen table issues but it was time to pass the
baton to another candidate who will continue to move CD5 forward.
Phoenix is where I was born, educated, started a business, raised my family and volunteer. I am running to make a difference in our district.
Phoenix City Council is a "boots on the ground" position. I excel at talking with the people in the community and speaking with experts so we can solve problems together.
The people in District
Six have real concerns and they do not feel they have a voice. I will have community events throughout District Six and respond to questions in a timely manner.
I have already started the process of visiting our neighbors. For one community member I found the answer to their problem and responded to them with the result within a day.
I know when we work together, we thrive together."
2) What are the three most important issues facing Phoenix that you would like to work on if you are elected to the Phoenix City Council? Please explain.
1) Attainable and healthy housing. Rents are rising faster than paychecks. Teachers and first responders are not able to live in the neighborhoods they work in. People are being forced to relocate to a different neighborhood because the rent increase is no longer within their financial means. We need more multi-generational housing options, density buildings and walkable communities so people can work, play, access to health and childcare, and food stores within 15 – 20 minutes of where they live. This includes reliable public transportation options.
2) Public Safety. We need more police, and we need to do a better job screening the applicants. Longer training times and removing the people with a history of racism or violence. Fund more social and mental health experts to help on calls that will diffuse escalation. Increase transparency and accountability.
3) Environmental Protection. Arizona should be the leader in solar and I will champion the benefit of natural resources. Protecting our land, water and air must be a top priority. I will work with the City of Phoenix and council members on the programs they have in place and work with experts to implement best practices from other cities or countries."
What about you? Reply to this email and tell me what issues are important to you.
Stay tuned for Part 3 tomorrow as I finish the interview with some personal information about myself and my candidacy to the City Council.