Dear Friend,

Pornography has become a scourge in the United States.

On Discovery Institute's "Humanize" podcast, Wesley J. Smith speaks with Donna Rice Hughes, CEO of Enough Is Enough.

They have a mature discussion about one of the great affronts to human dignity, which is pornography. Donna shares the impact porn has on children—both as victims of child pornographers and as consumers of adult obscenity that they access on the Internet.

She describes how pornography is a major cause of social dislocation, that often fuels abuse, rape, and a breakdown in healthy sexual relationships. Donna discuss how the obscenity industry is a major driver of human trafficking and how “free” online internet sites lure people into viewing ever more dark and violent images.

Donna describes ways to keep children safe from pornography and other risks on the Internet, warns against the pornification of popular culture, and offers compassionate advice about how those who are addicted to pornography can escape their bondage. This is a must-hear program about a too little discussed cause of familial breakdown and cultural dysfunction.


Pornography 101 has links to pornography research, stats, and more
Cycle of Abuse -pornography is a fueling factor into other forms of exploitation
SIGN EIE’s Petition to US DOJ asking them to investigate and prosecute Pornhub for a trifecta of US violations (17K signors to date)
Without your support, we cannot win this war.

Won't you help Fund the Fight to protect childhood innocence?
Thank you for standing with Enough Is Enough.
Donna Rice Hughes
President and CEO
Enough Is Enough
We Can't Keep Children & Families
Safe Online Without You!
Enough Is Enough® is a national non-partisan, non-profit organization who has led the fight to make the Internet safer for children and families since 1994. EIE's efforts are focused on combating Internet p*rnography, child p*rnography, sexual predation, sex trafficking and cyberbullying by incorporating a three-pronged prevention strategy with shared responsibilities between the public, Corporate America, and the legal community.