In case you missed it, Biden wants to deprive landlords of much-needed income through an illegal eviction moratorium.
This is actually a direct attack on property rights, one of the most fundamental rights we have along with life and liberty. The
Supreme Court already told him it was illegal, but they did it anyway. That sounds like a tyrant to me.
Biden has declared war on struggling Americans and is using COVID as his
beloved political weapon any way he can. The audacity for Biden to even invite a showdown with SCOTUS means he and his Regime are getting bolder and
more aggressive by the day.
The fact that he will go so far as to defy a Supreme Court decision is downright tyrannical, and he must be stopped. Can you pitch in to fight his tyrannical America last policies?
Threatening landlords who are hurting from lost income with $100,000 fines and jail time is a clear message to Americans Joe, so let us send you a
clear message: We reject your America last tactics, we reject your Regime’s tyrannical power grabs and we reject YOU.
While Biden puts America last, I'll keep putting America First. Please donate now to help me fight back!
For Freedom,

Lauren Boebert Congresswoman, Colorado's 3rd
District |