Each morning before General Synod gathers in Tucson, we’ll share a new prayer, devotional, or poem submitted by one of RfA’s board members, themed on the Fruits of the Spirit.
We also invite you to join us in praying for the delegates and members of the General Synod (the full list can be found here ([link removed]) ).
Today, we’re specifically holding those found on page 18 in prayer (these include representatives from the Commission on Race and Ethnicity and the Commission for Women, the Regional Synod Executives, and the Regional Synod Women which also includes RfA board member Rev. Liz Estes).
Today's prayer is themed on "Gentleness" and comes from board member Kate Mears
O Lord of our hearts, abide with us. O Lord of our souls, you know us. As the experiencer of rejection by family and friends in Nazareth, you know how we feel.
O Lord, in experiencing what we have experienced we have found a common bond. You know the toll it takes on our souls and you take steps to gently comfort us through the souls of others.
You comfort and care for us, O Lord, in those ways that can bring so much healing and we thank you. You listen and grieve with us and sit by our sides when we lack the energy for anything else. You provide us with the gentleness we need in this harsh world.
As we deal with the stresses and heartache of life,
Let us remember that gentleness that you give us through the souls of our friends and chosen families.
Let us take comfort in their presence, whether they be near or far.
Let us also be that gentle comfort to others who may need the same thing if we are able to do so.
Thank you, O Lord, for the gentle reminders of your presence.
Let us feel the embrace of that comfort even now.
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