If we’re going to make progress on the big issues that matter to all of us, ones like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and finally putting this pandemic behind us then we need to take on Republicans in the South.
That’s why DFA is setting its sights on beating Ron DeSantis and flipping Florida.
Now, I know what you’re thinking… Florida, really???
Yes really.
Just like Virginia and Georgia, Florida, and the rest of the South have only been Republican strongholds for so long because voters who reliably turnout for Democrats, the New American Majority of Black and brown voters, have not been fully engaged.
This isn’t just a chance to flip a historically conservative Governor’s seat from red to blue: it’s a critical opportunity to kick one of the most dangerous, Trump-defending Republicans out of office.
The only way we will beat Ron DeSantis and flip the south is with support from people like you. Will you make your first contribution of just $5 or more to help kick off DFA’s Flip the South campaign in Florida?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Ron DeSantis has long-standing ties to known racists, has appointed a doctor skeptical of Covid-19 health measures as surgeon general, and passed a restrictive voter suppression bill that limits voting by mail and ballot drop boxes.
There is arguably not a single worse Governor in the entire nation.
That’s why DFA is already hard at work building the grassroots resources it’ll take to flip the South blue and take away Republican power.
And every dime Republicans are forced to spend in Florida defending Ron DeSantis and state legislative candidates is money they aren't spending on other races in places like Texas and North Carolina.
Look, John, flipping Florida won't be easy, but neither was Georgia.
We’re going to beat Ron DeSantis in this critical Governor’s race, but we need resources to win in Florida. Will you contribute today to help us build up our organizing infrastructure in the South?
Thank you for powering our work to flip the South and beat Ron DeSantis.
— Chris
Chris Scott
Chief Political Officer
Democracy for America