

It is with the bright spirit of America that I wish you all a very happy Columbus Day!

This is a day to celebrate the hunger for discovery and achievement that led Columbus on his journey in 1492. His historic journey led to the founding of what would later become the greatest nation in the history of the world, and was the beginning of true American exceptionalism.

Americans will continue to make great discoveries that will shape our world in the years, decades, and centuries to come. As they do, we can look back on the courage and pursuit of knowledge demonstrated by Columbus centuries ago as a defining moment, and one that we will celebrate today on Columbus Day.

And while bad-faith, radical actors attempt to expunge this day from history, we will not allow the foundations of America to be erased. Instead, we will learn from our history and see our history as a pivotal piece of the creation of the Western world.


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Ron DeSantis


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