
Biden has broken so many promises this year, it’s getting difficult to keep track of them all!

When Biden promised to bring back unity and rebuild our nation, we hoped he realized the razor thin majorities Democrats held in Congress meant we would work in a bi-partisan manner. However, after seeing one Biden-made Socialist disaster after another, without any input from Republicans, it’s clear - Biden has failed to keep his insincere promises!
Biden has obliterated our southern border, empowered drug cartels and human traffickers, enriched terrorists in Afghanistan while leaving Americans trapped behind enemy lines, and working families are being crushed under a tsunami of inflation that is costing us more for gas, food, clothes and everyday items! 

Biden has clearly forgotten his power is derived from the people! And if he thinks it’s okay to lie to us, then it’s time we remind him. 

America deserves better than a leader who can’t keep his word.  I am counting on you to pitch in today to help me hold Biden accountable for his lies!
For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne