
You’ve heard plenty from me about how important it is to protect our majority in the Senate. But before the midterms, we need to come together to support Democrat Terry McAuliffe, who’s in a tight race for Governor of Virginia.

Terry is running against Glenn Youngkin, a radical Republican who’s been endorsed by Donald Trump. He’s promoted the “Big Lie” that inspired the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th, wants to ban abortion, and, unfortunately recent polls are showing that he’s leading this race by a razor-thin margin.

Simply put, Glenn Youngkin is not fit to be governor — and with early voting already underway, we can’t wait any longer to fight back.

Youngkin has already committed to spending $75 million of his own money, and now that he has the financial backing of the Republican party, we need to step up and show Terry that we’ve got his back.

Will you split a donation between Terry McAuliffe and my campaign so we can fight back against Republican extremism?

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We won’t allow the GOP to play games with our lives and livelihoods any longer. And if we can help Terry win this race, then we’ll be in great shape for 2022.

Thanks for your help.

— Jon