
Earlier today, Senator Jon Tester was on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to talk about Donald Trump’s racist attacks on Representatives Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib. Here’s what Jon had to say:

You gotta call it for what it is: it's racism. And, quite frankly, it's dividing the country, that's how he hopes to win I guess -- but it's not good for the country. If Republicans don't start standing up and saying ‘Stop this insanity,’ it's going to continue and the country will suffer -- and is suffering right now -- because of it.”

Senator Jon Tester on Morning Joe, July 18, 2019

We’re counting on you to take a stand. Add your name next to Senator Jon Tester’s to reject Trump’s racist rhetoric and attacks.

Thanks for adding your voice today,

Team Tester

Original email from Jon Tester, July 17, 2019

Team -- 

I’m sure you’ve seen it all over the news: President Donald Trump is doubling down on his racially charged attacks on Representatives Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib.

Trump has claimed that these congresswomen “hate the United States and Israel” and that they support terrorists -- including Al-Qaeda. On top of all this, he’s suggesting that they should leave the country. This is just plain wrong and dangerous.

Let me be clear: Trump’s comments are reprehensible and far beneath the office of the presidency. We should be able to disagree on policy and politics without devolving into divisive, hateful rhetoric.

If you agree, add your name next to mine. Stand with me if you oppose these types of irresponsible attacks that seek to divide Americans at a time when we should be working together »

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No one is above being held accountable for their actions. Not you. Not me. And certainly not the President of the United States. We need to fight back and show Trump that we will not let this country be divided by irresponsible rhetoric.

Please join me today by adding your voice to mine and saying clearly with one voice: we reject Trump and his reprehensible attacks.

Thanks for making your voice heard today,

— Jon Tester

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