Weekly Reads
“[P]hilanthropic collaborations face core management challenges: agreeing on goals, priorities, and desired roles; creating realistic timelines and milestones; enforcing accountability; fostering mutual trust and support; navigating internal power dynamics; establishing strong leadership and adequate resourcing; and generating buy-in from grantees and beneficiaries. [...] What to do to avoid these pitfalls? Research on funder collaboratives identifies evaluative health checks as a key best practice.” [more]
—Alina Tomeh, on Center for Effective Philanthropy blog
“[T]he vast majority of foundations and nonprofits want to include people with disabilities, they don’t know what they don’t know. Hence their practices do not align with their values and they are discriminating against people with disabilities.” [more]
—Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, RespectAbility, on Glasspockets blog
NCFP’s new Trends 2020 study found that family foundations are shifting their main grantmaking from local causes to efforts aimed at addressing policy issues, especially economic inequality; and are increasing their efforts to make their boards and staff more diverse. [more]
—National Center for Family Philanthropy