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Join the Groundswell!
Anne Schlafly Cori, Chairman of Eagle Forum, talks about a Grassroots Groundswell Event with Judy Redlich on KSIV Radio.
Keynote Speaker
Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier
Who Will Defend Us?
Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier was an Air Force pilot and promoted to be a leader in Space Force. But he was abruptly fired from the U.S. military a week after he published his book, Irresistible Revolution, exposing how Marxism and CRT thinking is infiltrating our U.S. military (and our schools).
Matthew Lohmeier is the Executive Director of the ACRU’s Committee to Support and Defend, a NewsmaxTV contributor, and author of the bestselling book Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.
In addition to welcoming Matthew Lohmeier, we’ve arranged for an amazing day of inspiration, education and leadership training on how we can take back our county, state, and country. In addition to Matthew Lohmeier, our speakers will include:
  • Stacy on the Right (nationally syndicated radio personality) - How Our Liberties Are Being Trampled
  • Lane Koch (political campaign consultant and owner of Grassroots Girls, LLC) - How to Win an Election
  • CRT Panel – CRT In Our Local Schools and How to Stop It
  • Stephen Rowe –  The Leadership Institute
Grassroots Groundswell
Friday, Nov. 5, 2021, St. Louis Frontenac Hilton, St. Louis, MO
It’s time to come together!
Join individuals and local groups to:
  • Hear Stimulating Speakers
  • Network with Like-Minded Groups
  • Gain Leadership Training
  • Fight for Liberty
#grassrootsgroundswell • #takebackthelouin22 • #showmeliberty
Registration deadline: October 29, 2021
8:15 a.m. Registration
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Conference
4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Networking Reception
Morning Sessions Include:
Fighting for our Freedom in
Education, Legislation, Media, Religion
12:00 pm-12:45 pm
Box Lunch and Networking Opportunities
Afternoon Session: Tools to Make a Difference
The Leadership Institute
General Admission – $75.00
Student Admission – $30.00
Table Sponsorships Available
Vendor Tables Available
Registration deadline: October 29, 2021
For more information contact Anne Cori, (314) 369-6144, [email protected]
Grassroots Groundswell is sponsored by The Constitutional Coalition, Eagle Forum, and The Leadership Institute.
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