Friend, the Clean Water Act turns 49 on Oct. 18, and to mark this moment, we’re re-opening our Clean Water Act quiz with new questions!
This updated three-question quiz is an opportunity to celebrate all that the Clean Water Act has accomplished — and learn how lax enforcement has put our precious waters at risk.
The Clean Water turns 49 in mere days, starting the countdown to its 50th anniversary: a target by which we’re striving to restore the Clean Water Act to protect all of the “waters of the United States” as Congress originally intended.
We’re seeking 50 new monthly donors by the Clean Water Act Anniversary on 10/18. In the year ahead, we’re facing down our deadline to restore this visionary legislation through advocacy, litigation, and organizing — and that will take a strong team behind us, every step of the way. Commit to our shared work with a monthly gift of any amount now →