Erath - Monday: Jonathan Stickland & Sid Miller
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Monday, October 11, Erath "Jonathan Stickland and Sid Miller"

This month we follow up an awesome kickoff by bringing in two amazing Texas patriots! Former State Representative Jonathan Stickland, and Ag Commissioner Sid Miller! Jonathan is famous (or infamous depending on who you ask) for his “Bad Bill of the Week,” he has a knack for telling it like it is.  In fact, for this event, Jonathan has promised he WILL be naming names.  Sid is a man who wears many hats — of course none better than his signature cowboy hat. He’s a great story teller, a no-holds-barred speaker, and the quintessential Texan.  From advising the Trump administration to advocating for Texas goods to being a rodeo cowboy, Sid has experiences to share that will inspire, encourage, and motivate.  These two speakers are always sure to fire up the grassroots activists, so don’t miss out on this event, and bring a friend!



P.S. Don't forget - our Virtual Fall Fundraiser begins Sunday, October 17th!


 Click here to donate to our cause.      

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