When voters across America delivered the House, the Senate, and the White House to Democrats, they gave them a historic governing opportunity to meet the overlapping crises we face at the scale they demand through passing legislation like the Build Back Better Act.
Unfortunately, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin thinks making more than one transformative investment in working people is just too much:
Manchin believes we need to choose between an expanded child tax credit, paid family medical leave, or subsidies for child care. But we won’t concede on our full agenda and pick ‘just one’.
Working families aren’t a bargaining chip. And the only answer to this dysfunction is electing more WFP champions to Congress who won’t present us with these false and insulting choices. Can you contribute $3 or whatever you can afford to help us elect more progressives in 2022 who will hold the line for transformative change, no matter what?
Contribute $3
In solidarity,
Working Families Party

Become a Working Families Party Member! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight.
Paid for by Working Families Party National PAC (77 Sands St. #6, Brooklyn, NY, 11201).