Check out the recent TODAY Show segment with McKenna and the It Gets Better Project below along with other inspiring stories we've curated just for you!

The It Gets Better Project has had the good fortune to work with some pretty amazing interns over the years -- many of whom have gone on to do incredible things.

One of those former interns is McKenna, who you may have seen in It Gets Better videos, including "Coloring with Max & McKenna" or “Advice from Your Favorite Drag Queens.” McKenna is now back in her hometown, with her special brand of positivity, leading its first LGBTQ+ community support group.

We're incredibly proud of the work she's doing. Check out the recent TODAY Show segment with McKenna and the It Gets Better Project below along with other inspiring stories we’ve curated just for you!

- The It Gets Better Team


It Gets Better Project: Monthly Newsletter

It Gets Better on the TODAY Show
Our former intern McKenna is paying it forward and giving back to the LGBTQ+ community — check out McKenna and It Gets Better’s Justin Tindall on the TODAY Show.
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It Gets Better with
Austin Crute
Growing up in a conservative church, Austin Crute felt completely alone. It wasn't until he moved to NYC that Austin was able to live his most authentic life.
Watch Here →
ICYMI: National Coming Out Day w/ Archie Comics
Archie Comics partnered with the It Gets Better Project for the new series #ABetterUniverse. You can check them all out here.
Watch Here →
Riot Games Says
It Gets Better
We partnered with Riot Games to share these inspiring stories from their Berlin offices in celebration of National Coming Out Day! 
Watch Here →

Video Spotlight: Noah Galvin

After growing up in theater, actor Noah Galvin was saddened to find people outside the arts were more close-minded than his Broadway counterparts. Soon, Noah found his confidence, and he was ready to let his "freak flag" fly!

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The It Gets Better Project is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to uplift, empower, and connect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth around the globe. All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

If you are looking for resources or support, please visit our resource center.

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