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Dear John,
Today’s the day! People across the country are ready for our annual
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ADL Walk Against Hate. They will be raising awareness that hate has no place in our communities, and many are raising money to expand ADL’s work towards a world with no antisemitism, bigotry and bias.
So, if you’d like to make a difference today, go to
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walkagainsthate.org and take a moment to sign up, then get out there and walk, run, roll, hop or whatever other way you want to take action. And see if you can recruit a few friends or family members to join you!
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If you’re joining us, be sure to share on social media how you’re taking action and tag us @ADL and #WalkAgainstHate. You can print out signs and posters for your walk
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You can also tune in to ADL’s
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Instagram Live on Sunday at 11 AM, 1 PM and 2:30 PM ET to hear from #WalkAgainstHate participants around the country.
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I’m ready to Walk Against Hate today
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Thank you!
— The ADL Walk Against Hate Team
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