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Weekend Edition, October 9-10, 2021


By the End of the Year We Won’t Need Vaccines. So Why Are You Getting Jabbed?

Bill Sardi

The Left’s “Misinformation” Subterfuge

Thomas DiLorenzo

Saving For a Very Rainy Day

Eric S. Margolis

The Afghan Scam

Murray N. Rothbard

Let’s Smash Google Censorship

Lew Rockwell

Silencing Julian Assange: Why Bother With a Trial When You Can Just Kill Him?

Philip Giraldi

Sins of Omission and the Covid Bottom Line

L. Reichard White

Virus Dangers vs. Vaccine Dangers

Fact Sheet

All You Need To Know About Vaccine Failure – Not in Israel, in The US – In One Incredible Chart

Alex Berenson

Academic Freedom or Mob Rule? Time To Pick a Side

Tom Slater

The Mark of the Beast

James Howard Kunstler

Practical Reasons Why Vaccine Injuries Are Rarely Reported

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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