Friend – Donald Trump and Sen. Grassley just stepped off the stage in Iowa after the twice-impeached former president gave Sen. Grassley his "complete and total endorsement." It's beyond clear that Donald Trump is eyeing the White House again, but first, he's dead set on taking back the Senate for Republicans so they can once again implement Trump's extremist agenda.
Trump's road to the Oval Office starts in Iowa – and so does his path to a GOP majority. Right now, 64% of Iowa voters want new leadership – which means Sen. Grassley has never been more vulnerable. If Abby defeats Sen. Grassley in Iowa, the GOP will have almost NO path to a majority.
But Trump is going to do everything he can to keep Iowa red for Sen. Grassley, and he has a $100 million campaign war chest to deploy to take back the Senate for Republicans. That's why we've upped our emergency midnight fundraising goal to $50,000, but with just hours to spare, we're still falling short. Please, we need a surge in grassroots donations, including yours, friend: