"If you like your health care plan, you can keep it"
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"If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it"

That Obama quote was rated the lie of the year. Today, Democrats have wised-up, and they aren’t even lying about their true intentions. Now, Democrats are PROMISING that, if they are in power, they will kick every hard-working Hoosier off of their private health plans in favor of socialist government-controlled medicine.

Medicare for All would mean healthcare for none. Bernie Sanders, AOC, and Elizabeth Warren are vying to kick over 150 million people off of their private healthcare plans — and they aren’t even pretending to hide it.

If we take back the House from the radical Democratic Party, it would stop their push to kick you off of your healthcare plan. Can you donate today to help us do just that?


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar are the de facto leaders of the Democratic Party. They aim to push their party further to the left and to kick honest hard-working Americans off of their healthcare plans.

The American people reject this notion, but, with the lying liberal media controlling the narrative, it will be an uphill fight to win in November 2020. Your support will be critical in helping us take back the House and helping us STOP the spread of socialized medicine.

Can you chip in $5, $10, or $25 to stop the Democrats from winning in 2020?

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Hoosier families resent bureaucrats in Washington making decisions over their lives. Please make a donation today, and help us STOP Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Elizabeth Warren from controlling your healthcare.

Thank you,

Team Hollingsworth

Paid for by Trey for Congress

Trey for Congress, P.O. Box 421
Jeffersonville, IN 47130
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