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Rally to Reclaim Rent Control

TOMORROW, Saturday, Oct 26, 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
@ Lamont Park, 3213 Mt Pleasant St NW, D.C.


We all know that the rent in D.C. is too high. Tomorrow, we’re rallying as part of the Reclaim Rent Control coalition to say enough is enough. We need better rent control in D.C., and we need it now. 

Can you join fellow members of DSA tomorrow for a rally to strengthen and expand rent control laws in D.C.? If so, sign-up here

Details about the rally are below: 

  • What: Rally to Reclaim Rent Control
  • Date: TOMORROW, Saturday, October 26
  • Time: 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Place: Lamont Park (across from 3213 Mt Pleasant St NW)

Average rents in D.C. are some of the most expensive in the country. Workers making minimum wage in the District would need to work 80 hours per week just to afford a one-bedroom apartment. With sky high housing costs like these, D.C. residents are being pushed out of the city we know and love at an alarmingly high rate. 

Rent control works. Studies have shown that it reduces housing inequality and provides a source of stability for households with declining incomes, while also not affecting the quantity of housing. Other states have already taken steps to enact or expand rent control measures. We’re rallying tomorrow so that the D.C. Council and Mayor’s office do the same. 

If you have any questions about the Reclaim Rent Control rally, please email [email protected]. We hope to see you there!

In Solidarity,
The Metro D.C. DSA Steering Committee 

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