John: Did you see the latest jobs report?
September saw one of the biggest drops in women’s employment since the pandemic began.
More than 300,000 women left the labor force last month. The last time we saw such a precipitous drop in women’s employment? September 2020.
That’s no coincidence. The start of the school year and a lack of affordable child care are once again forcing women, particularly women of color, out of the workforce.
So I’ll say it again—louder, for the people in the back. Our economy will not recover until we pass the Build Back Better Agenda and invest in affordable child care, paid leave and universal pre-K.
I have to be honest. I get pretty...fired up...when people call these policies some sort of “wish list” or “spending spree.”
The Build Back Better Agenda is fully paid for—all by making the tax code fairer and making the wealthiest and large corporations pay their fair share. So it’s pretty rich to hear the party of Trump—who enacted over $1 trillion in tax cuts and didn’t pay for a penny of them—wring their hands over this legislation.
And these policies aren’t “giveaways.” They stimulate the economy, help keep women and caregivers in the workforce, and have measurable public health benefits.
Women and caregivers are the backbone of our economy. And this may be our best and only chance to enact the kind of transformational change we need to recover from this pandemic and build a better, fairer, more equitable country moving forward.
Our task, right now, is to keep the pressure on my fellow lawmakers. Can you lift up my message about the importance of passing the Build Back Better Agenda?

Thank you,