The biggest emergency food company in the US can't get food.
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The biggest emergency food company in the US can't get food.
Augason Farms released the letter above to customers and suppliers. They
are literally out of business until the end of the year because they
can't get supplies.
If a company with resources like that can't get supplies, what do you
think is going to happen to the rest of us?
I do not use scare tactics to get people to prep. I present information
and you can make your own decisions. But getting this letter was a
reality check and I have almost as much food as I can afford to stuff in
my 600 square foot apartment and my storage unit.
This makes the Pantry Bundle Plus
product we're offering at a fraction of the regular price one of the
best investments you can make. I added a bonus lesson to the Build a
Better Pantry on a Budget course about prepping during supply chain
shortages. (That was sent to everyone who purchased the course
previously - if you didn't get it, please let us know so we can get you
With The Pantry Bundle Plus
get a 12-week interactive course with a bonus supply chain shortage
lesson, 3 full-length PDF cookbooks, and a 40-minute water-preparedness
webinar not available for sale anywhere else. The regular price for all
this would be $115 and we're offering it this weekend only for $39.95.
It's a TON of information and resources.
If you can't make the purchase right now, I get it.
**I promise that I
**will** be writing about this topic in more detail on the website** but
if you want to get started RIGHT NOW with checklists, courses, and
advice on how to do this in an organized, affordable fashion, this
can help you immediately. You can begin TODAY.
Learn how to get your pantry built and create your own supply chain with
this bundle. And if you are already well-set, think about other non-food
supplies you'll want to have on hand, such as spare parts, computer
supplies, over-the-counter medical goods, and hygiene supplies.
The best time to get prepped was yesterday. The second best time is
Grab our Pantry Bundle PLUS bundle and get cracking.
get going on your own. Just do what you can. This letter from Augason
Farms is a warning for all of us. Please don't wait to get prepped.
You'll look back on this and regret your lack of action.
Learn More
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[email protected]
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Luther Inc, 5830 East 2nd St., Unit 94661, Casper, Wyoming 82609, United States