Dear John,

Time and again, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and their band of radical Republicans across the country have shown that they are more interested in tanking the Democratic agenda than they are in fighting for working families. 

From attacking our reproductive freedom with the most restrictive abortion bans of all time to waging a national voter suppression campaign, they are putting us all at risk. 

We must fight back. By eliminating the filibuster, we can pass the Women’s Health Protection Act, protect the right of every American to cast their ballot, and more.

We can’t afford to sit by while Republicans play games with working people’s lives -- and livelihoods. 

COVID-19 is still having a devastating impact on our communities, one-third of Americans experienced a climate-related disaster this summer, and our immigration and criminal justice systems are in desperate need of reform. But we have the solutions we need to meet this moment.

Together, we can make it clear that we must do everything we can -- including eliminating the filibuster -- to implement them. 

Let’s get it done, 