Have you noticed that other parties are talking about becoming greener, about net zero and about protecting the environment? But do they really mean it?



Have you noticed that other parties are talking about becoming greener, about net zero and about protecting the environmentBut do they really mean it?


Even though the prime minister is promising action for the climate, pledging all Britain's electricity to be green by 2035 and calling this a ‘turning point for humanity’ ahead of COP26,Caroline Lucas spoke to Channel 4 about the fact that Britain is still:


⚠️Talking about a new coal mine in Cumbria

⚠️Considering a new oil field off Shetland

⚠️Foreseeing a £27bn road building programme

⚠️Planning airport expansions


In reality, we are way off our own climate targets. This requires our attention. Because, although it’s great to see other parties moving in the right direction, we have to make sure that talk becomes action and that climate initiatives don't end up as just another string of empty pledges.


We know that system change requires political action. Climate pledges must be made into tough targets and real legislation that can change every part of society.


The voice and policies of the Green Party have never been more important in making sure that pledges for climate become legislation to secure our futures.


What are our policies for environmental, social and economic justice? Join our event on Monday 11 October at 5PM where Caroline Russell and the Climate Emergency Policy Working Group will discuss our plans for transforming transport. In the meantime, here's what co-leader Carla Denyer has to say on improving our public transport systems!

See you there!


The Green Party 


P.S. If you signed up for our policy series previously, you've already been registered for this event :)