Twitter has allowed violent groups like the Taliban to remain on Twitter, but the 45th president is banned…
The HILL: 'Strikingly sophisticated' Taliban thrive on Twitter while Trump still banned

FREE SPEECH ALERT: Trump is suing to get his Twitter account reinstated

A growing number of Republicans are voicing deep concern for the way Twitter has allowed violent groups like the Taliban to remain on Twitter, but the 45th president is banned…

We're outraged – but we can't hold Twitter accountable on our own, so we need to know:

Do you support Trump's suit to be reinstated?

YES →     NO →
NAME: John
UNIQUE ID: #d687b95f86827162ef1339d7f17ce7b7

Our country is facing a pivotal moment.

The First Amendment is at stake.

There is something very, very wrong with big tech being allowed to pick and choose who has access to communicate in the public square.

Quickly, let us know: Do you support Trump's suit to be reinstated?
YES →     NO →

Thank you,

Our future is hanging by a thread, and Democrats are preparing to give it everything they've got in order to break past their 50+1 majority in the Senate.

So if we lose just ONE Senate seat next year, Joe Biden's expanded Majority will be very powerful.

Democrats will be able to pass their dream slate of far-left garbage...and it's game OVER for the America First Agenda.

That's why we're launching an emergency campaign to retake the Senate and flip the House (more on that to come)... but first, we MUST secure 100,000 contributions this month if we're going to get it off the ground.

Everything is on the line. So rush five, ten, or twenty-five dollars right now to DEFEAT Joe Biden + retake the Senate Majority ➞

The Committee to Defeat the President ( is a grassroots-funded effort dedicated to stopping Joe Biden and (as they would say) "resisting" the Democrat Party's radical socialist agenda.

We know that emails are a crucial way for us to stay in touch with supporters like you. But if you're ready to throw in the towel: You can unsubscribe here.

Our movement is driven and accountable to supporters like you. Your grassroots support is critical to helping us defeat Joe. If you'd like to contribute, please go here. Thank you – and God bless you – for your support!


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