Would you be willing to share your opinion to help us strategize for the months ahead?

Fellow American,

The Democrats in Washington have had a disastrous run as the majority party in Congress, and every American is being harmed as a result of their foolish decisions.

This weekend, I’m meeting with my team to finalize our strategy for the remainder of 2021, and to develop our plans to help take our country back in the midterm elections next year – and I would love to have your input.

Fellow American – would you take a few moments out of your busy day to fill out this Official 2021 Congressional Survey before midnight?

Democrats are getting more radical with each passing day, and it’s important we lay the groundwork now to secure a massive conservative majority in the House in 2022. If you want to fire Pelosi, end reckless spending, and restore the foundations of our great country, will you share your thoughts by midnight?

I need to hear from you before it’s too late, Fellow American – because we simply cannot survive three more years of Democrats pushing their Big Government Socialism on America. My team and I will begin reading responses this afternoon, so please submit as soon as possible!

Thank you in advance,

Mike Johnson


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