Congress, not presidential proclamation, should establish national parks

This summer, the National Park Service (NPS) celebrated its 103rd anniversary. The NPS, the leading agency responsible for maintaining national parks and monuments, remains popular among the general public. 

But many recent presidents have gone around Congress to single-handedly create de facto national parks. As Jeff McCoy explains, Congress—not a presidential proclamation—should be in charge of designating our national parks. 

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NYC Education Chancellor Carranza’s policies of racial discrimination are causing growing concern

The chancellor of the New York City Department of Education controls many of the opportunities and policies that shape the education of New York’s students. 

Unfortunately, the tenure of current New York Chancellor Richard Carranza has been controversial from the start. Glenn Roper has a rundown of Carranza’s racially divisive public acts and statements that have caused growing concern among parents and educators alike.

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The Hill: Supreme Court will take on ‘fourth branch’ of bureaucracies

As every schoolchild knows, the federal government is divided into the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. This separation of powers was designed to ensure that government does not become oppressive. As James Madison put it, combining these powers into one branch would be “the very definition of tyranny.”

In his op-ed for The Hill, Oliver Dunford describes how the three branches of government have surrendered some of their powers to an unofficial “fourth branch” composed of government agencies that combine legislative, executive, and judicial powers. 

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