
Dan Crenshaw here. 

This week, I continued to fight back against Joe Biden’s unconstitutional, unscientific vaccine mandate. I also called out Twitter for their hypocritical “community standards” when people disagree with socialist policies in Congress.

As always, thank you for your support and please stay up to date with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Now, here’s your brief. 

Joe Biden’s unconstitutional, unscientific vaccine mandate is already a disaster.

Thousands of employees are being fired and even more are scared to re-enter the workforce because they don’t want to choose between a job or the vaccine. Businesses should not comply with Joe’s unconstitutional order.
So I introduced a bill to stop this mandate in its tracks - it’s called the Prevent Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandates for Interstate Commerce Act.

My bill will stop the federal government from requiring Americans to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination to engage in interstate commerce or travel.

The last thing that Americans need right now is a mandate that prevents them from returning to work or keeping the job they have now. Americans should have the right to make the best decision for themselves when it comes to getting the COVID vaccine. 

Not only that, but this mandate is likely HURTING trust in the vaccine. On every single level, it’s the wrong move. 

Biden’s vaccine mandate is a cheap, unconstitutional overreach of governance and I’m going to fight back against it.

Will you join me?

Joe Biden’s presidency can be summed up with one phrase: comes up short.

That’s how his latest jobs report was described for the month of September and you could use that phrase to describe every aspect of his presidency. Joe Biden is a disaster. 

We went from record job growth, wage growth, and record low unemployment under President Trump to abysmal job report after abysmal job report under Joe Biden. Joe will try to blame the pandemic, but he has only himself to blame. 

Joe is paying people more to stay home than go to work. Joe is forcing businesses to fire their employees if they don’t get vaccinated. Joe is threatening the biggest tax hike on businesses and middle class families in HISTORY.

And Democrats in Congress are going right along with him. That’s why we have to take back the majority. 

With a majority in Congress, we can stop these terrible socialist policies once and for all. We need to fire Nancy Pelosi to stop Joe Biden. 

I’m ready to do just that. Are you?

Jack Dorsey uses Twitter to advance liberal propaganda. We all know this. 

He censors conservatives and blocks dissent against socialist policies and politicians. And he only enforces “community standards” when targeting conservative content.

Not even Democrats are safe. This week, socialist activists followed DEMOCRATIC SENATOR Kyrsten Sinema and harassed her in a bathroom because she wouldn’t support Bernie’s $3.5 TRILLION socialist wish list.

Radical left wing magazines actually encouraged this harassment on Twitter, and Jack looked the other way even though encouraging harassment directly violates his “community standards.”

The only standards Twitter has are double standards.